Come listen to living prophets

Monday, August 31, 2009

The First Day of Kindergarten!!

Will was "a little bit nervous" just before it was time to leave for school.
"mommy, i'm a little bit nervous.
i think you need to stay with me all day at school."
"i can't Will. i have to go to the office today. but remember daddy gave you a blessing last night that you wouldn't be nervous at school."
the backpack
Will wanted a superheroes backpack
(even after Brent and I showed him ALL of the other "cool" backpacks)
he was insistant that this was in fact his backpack!
leaving for school....
(not so nervous now)

running to school....
and telling everyone he saw on the way,
"today is my first day of school!"

as I stopped Will from running out into the street....
I showed him the crosswalk just a few feet away!

and there he met
Ellen, the Crossing Guard

finally, getting to school!

and then he had to be reminded that he was not outside, and had to come back out of his classroom and walk in nicely...
(and of course, pose for another picture!)

He found his coat/backpack hook with his name on it.

And his very own cubby with all of his new school supplies...

...and a pose with his new binder, ...

... and his teacher, Mrs. Perry.

and then he found a table with some boys already doing some puzzle games and introduced himself, and I said goodbye. He didn't look back.
Obviously, the nervousness was gone. :)
Will's good friend from Primary, Isaac is also in his class.

His friend, Caleb is in another Kindergarten class,
but we saw him after school.
Will LOVED his first day of Kindergarten!!
and is looking forward to more days to come! :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Meisingers come to town...

we love visitors!
on august 3rd we had lots of brent's family come into town.

Penny flew in from Denver. Stephanie and her daughters, Tana and Tara drove down from Idaho.

The following week Brent's Mom, along with his sister Willie and her husband, and their two daughters drove up from Albuquerque.

All of this to support Penny and join with her to celebrate her first temple experience. It was truly wonderful!

We spent a lot of time at the table playing
Hand and Foot, and Nertz.

Our cute Jasmin.

And the ever so lovely Te'a.

...and the comic relief of the family...Willie

Most of the family was able to come and congregate at the house. Those that weren't there were missed terribly.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

July 2009

July brought a trip to Montana and Canada!
It was Great Grandpa Gabby’s 85th birthday.
As well as a wedding for the second youngest of Brent’s siblings, Kenny and his Cheryl. (yes, another C/Sheryl to keep track of!) Sorry, no pictures yet.
And we were able to celebrate Brent’s birthday with his family for the first time in many, many years with a breakfast and presents, including this beautiful quilt that his Mom made for him.

Then we headed to Flathead Lake where
Brent spent a lot of summer hours as a boy.
We rented a boat and were able to locate his Great Grandparents’ cabin
and the surrounding homes that he remembers.

Will got a lesson on driving the boat…

and then he thought he could handle it on his own…
he actually did pretty well!
From Montana we headed up to Canada through Glacier National Park. It was beautiful scenery and you can't help but be grateful for and humbled by God's creations.

Our first stop in Canada was Cardston. We stopped overnight at a cute Bed and Breakfast. Brent wanted me to see the Cardston Temple so I went and did a session there while Brent took Will and Lucky on a little tour of the city. (yep, Lucky is now an international traveler!)
From Cardston we went up to Banff and Lake Louise (this should be on everyone’s “Things I Must See Before I Die” List!)

Lake Louise was breathtaking!

Will wanted to rent a canoe and go out on the lake… which we did… and two minutes away from the dock he was ready to go back. I must say that this was largely due to the fact that his parents are not outdoorsmen and quickly revealed their “un” skills at canoeing. After an hour of trying to figure out how to make our canoe go in a straight line (yes, we do understand the “row on opposite sides” theory,… however this did not seem to work for us), Brent finally was able to maneuver us back to the dock. (For further “funnies” on this, see Brent or Lori personally!)